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Celebrating a ONE YEAR OLD, Dr. Seuss Style!


Hasting's First Birthday is approaching us! With it being so close to the Christmas Holiday, we decided to celebrate two weeks in advance. Hasting was born Friday, December 23, 2011 at 1:47pm. He weighed 7 pounds 7 ounces, and was 21 inches long! Click here to read my birth story :)
I can't believe that in just 2 short weeks or littl eman will be turning ONE. Everyone said that that the time would fly, but until you become a parent that either a) doens't matter to you or b) you don't believe it. Well guess what? I'm here to tell you, believe it!
We decided to have Hasting's party at Chad's parents house this year. We wanted to have an aqequate amount of space (although it was just family & close friends), so that everyone wouldn't feel cluttered. They have 2 living rooms, so it was perfect!
Dr. Seuss was a perfect theme. The man was a genious in our eyes, and he knew what he was talking about. He wrote amazing childrens books, and so many great movies have been made out of his books! While we knew we wanted a seuss themed party, we also knew it was going to come with the fact that we had to ordere all party supplies online. You can't find ANY Seuess stuff in stores, it's almost impossible!
We kept it simple, but still made it fun :)

Hasting's cake was by far my favorite thing about his party! my friend Whitney made it, and she is beyond talented. She makes cakes within her home, just as a side job. Good lord she does amazing. I highly recommend Whitney to ANYONE that needs a cake in the local area!
We served lunch at Hastings party:
Chopped organic & local BBQ
Vegetarian Style Baked Beans
Pasta Salad Rolls
Green Deviled Eggs
Snacks Included:
Rainbow Goldfish
Sausage Balls
Dessert Included:
Ice Cream
I made the treats for the guests on my own, minus the 2 little boxes for the 2 smaller children that attended. I ordered those from birthdayexpress!

I upcycled old babyfood jars and just added some candy in them. Combination of jelly beans, peanut m&m's, & swedish fish! The two boxes from birthday express had jumbo crayons, bouncy balls, notepads, suckers, and noise makers!
We used Hasting's wagon (which was his birthday present from us), to hold the gift that he received. I had a banner made on Etsy that I wish I would have just made myself (but like I said in an earlier post, I hardcore procrastinated). You learn SO much with your first child it is unreal :)

Here are a few special moments from Hasting's Day!

Birthday Boy!

The candle is ON the cake!


Daddy lit the candle :)
First time having his hands on the cake!

Yum-o! The cake was a total hit with him!

Family photo! I can't believe it's already here!

Clay, Hasting's Godfather. Chad and I's best friend!

Jess, my best friend. Hasting's Godmother

Uncle Clay & Marc.

Papa & Granny Gray

Memaw & Pa Paw Carmichael

Upset because he wanted the cake on teh floor!

Clean up time! He had cake every where, even in his diaper!

So mad!

Present time!

He loved getting in to the bags, and messing with  the paper inside!

Hasting and my daddy playing around!

Our family! Man oh man was he tired!

The balloons were by far one of his favorite! On the way to granny & papa's before his party he couldn't take his eyes off of them!

We've made it almost a year in parenthood! It's been a ride, a fun one at that. We've learnt so many new things, and continue to learn on a daily basis. Hasting has been such a true blessing to us! Being a mother is what I was born to do, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. The day this little boy entered my life was one of the happiest days of my life. I love you little Hasting, adn you'll always be mommies baby!


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