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An Educated Decision.

“You cannot be in the presence of a profoundly vaccine damaged child and not know that child could be your own.  And you cannot try to comfort a mother who has just buried a baby who has died from a vaccine … and not know that you could be the one standing over the grave.  When it happens to your child, the risks are 100 percent.”

~Barbara Loe Fisher
(Founder of the National Vaccine Information Center)
May 13, 1996 

First and foremost, this was a personal decision. In no way, shape, or form are we judgemental towards others who decide otherwise for their children. IT IS YOUR CHILD, not ours. 

So if you're here to read this then attack me, F off, because it ain't gonna happen, nor change my mind.

We didn't just decide, "hey, we don't wanna just not vaccinate our son". It took time, effort, and research. I was the one who first caught interest in the topic. Chad on the other hand was down right against not vaccinating Hasting, and thought I was ignorant for even considering not vaccinating him, until he listened to what I had found.

You see, dr's will tell you that vaccinations are perfectly safe, and that you have nothing to worry about. Lord, I was so caught up in that (being a new mom and all), that I had NO CLUE the things that we were subjecting our son to. 

The world is full of conflicting info when it comes to vaccinations. To me it's simple:


When we know better, we do better.

- Maya Angelou

Hasting is actually vaccinated up until 6 months of age.

NOW, check this out:

This is how quickly vaccinations have doubled. 

So.. you wanna know what's in these vaccinations? Well....

  • Monkey Kidney Cells 
  • Numerous Animal & Human Tissues
  • Human Blood Proteins
  • Human Lung Cells
  • Human FETAL lung cells
  • Human Cell Lines
  • Cow Serum (liquid part of the blood)
  • Cow heart-muscle extract
  • Cow tissue extract
  • guinea pig embryo cells
  • chicken embryos
  • chicken kidney cells 
  • chicken eggs
Aluminum is also added to a number to vaccines so that they will "work better". Umm, no thanks! Aluminum toxicity isn't easy to detect just by observing symptoms. 

So I did some research. I was worried just how much aluminum babies could taken without being toxic. Normal, 2 month old, 12 pound baby can get at least 30 micrograms in one day. A one year old, 22 pound baby can get at least 50 safely. 

Your newborn, that you just birthed, will get a Hapatitis B Injection day one of life. Which by the way is 250 micrograms of aluminum. Same dosage is repeated at one month. When two month shots roll around your child can get anywhere between 295-1225 micrograms of aluminum.

You do that math.

Formaldehyde is also found in several vaccinations. It's very light, but it's there.

MSG is found in a few as well. You know, the flavor enhancer found in foods (which can affect how your brain functions), which is why it has been removed from many food products, like dun dun dun BABY FOOD.

2-Phenoxyethanol which is used in products such as perfumes, insect repellents, gemicides, and a solvent for dyes & inks.

There is sooooo much to discuss on this topic. I could honestly probably write my own book on vaccinations. Instead, I'll let you do some reading! Check these websites out to gain more info on vaccinations:

The way we see it:

If God sees it fit for our child to be sick or disables, that is his will, and we will love our son no matter the circumstances. If Hasting were to die due to vaccinations, we would have to live with the fact that we contributed to the death of our son.

Overall, God is always in control.

In the end, no matter your decision, whether you choose to vaccinate, selective vax, or like us not vax, PLEASE do your research.


And yes, your child CAN still get in to any public, private, university, daycare, community college, play sports, etc without being vaccinated. All you need is a religious consent form.

Doctors are paid by drug reps every time your child id stuck with a needle, it's only logical that they tell you what you WANT to hear.

I loved Hasting's pediatrician, but in the end... he wasn't right for our family and the decisions that we had made for our family.


  1. Great blog post!! We don't vaccinate for many of tge same reasons! <3

  2. Thanks for all the wonderful information. Steve and I have been talking long and hard about this for when we have children. We have been reading and found a lot of ingredients that we were shocked are in the vaccinations.
    Now that we have read this we are going to the websites that you gave. Thanks again!! (:


  3. Shenay,

    I'm glad that I could help you guys in any way. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me! It makes my heart happy to hear that you and Steve will be making an informed decision v. what society does! You guys are already awesome parents and you don't even have children :)


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