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Week 3 Hospital Stay Recap

  • Friday I had a visitor, Krysta. She brought me all kids of goodies. My fav doughnuts from KK, an adult coloring book, Lularoe leggings, mangoes (real and dried), monat hair samples, my fav whitening toothpaste, lipsense, and a beautiful crocheted NICU octopus for baby S. She also brought me affirmation cards, and delicious Chick-fil-A. 
  • Saturday, Jan 27th: I had a bad dream. Basically, I had S and didn’t even remember it. I had him Via emergency csection Bc his heart rate wouldn’t quit declining. I woke up, to blood gushing out of me. I’m talking running down my legs. Called the nurse in, who called the dr in. Luckily, everything is good. I allowed an internal check. Cervix is still closed and no dilation. Placental abruption was brought up again. But she reminded me as long as baby is tolerating it well, I can go to my induction date with an abruption. But before I got out of bed, I felt the initial gush. And I swear to you for the first time in my LIFE God spoke to me. All he said was David. I don’t know much of the significance of David in the Bible, so I just looked it up. I don’t know what he’s trying to tell me, but it’s something I needed to hear. I was later taken down to an ultrasound to check on things. Partial Placental abruption has been confirmed, measuring about 3mm. Luckily, there is currently no cause of concern. Baby S is tolerating it well, and so long as contractions don’t begin, and his heart rate stays steady we will hold on for as long as we can. Placental Abruption is very common after membranes have ruptured, and generally babies continue to handle it well <- per my doctor. 
  • Saturday was also Annestyne’s birthday party at the house. My family really pulled it together for me. 
  • Saturday night I had more serious bleeding, but not AS bad. It is just odd for me to bleed this much. Typically, if I have anything, it’s only first thing in the morning when I wake. The nurse called the doctor on call, and she had me get on the monitor. She said as long as baby looks good on the monitor we will continue our current path/plans. I ended up having to sleep on the monitor and got absolutely NO sleep! 
  • Sunday is usually chads visiting day without the kids! He brought mojo to visit me! A friend of mine, Sarah, came to visit. She has a beautiful bracelet made for me, brought me a salt lamp, and a delicious green tea frapp! 
  • Monday, a lady from volunteer services came to my room to talk knitting! 
  • Tuesday, I woke up, and got a visit from my fav Dr who all happens to be a DO. He ended up adjusting my lower back for me because I’m currently without Chiropractic care while I’m here, and my body hates me because of that. He ordered my next ultrasound for Thursday to check on Baby S growth! Nana, chad and the kids, and a friend LeAnn came to visit! 
  • Wednesday, I got together with another mom that’s also here for the duration of her pregnancy! We were able to chat about our past/current situations, and just really be able to socialize and connect with one another! She’s here for another 3 weeks, fingers crossed 🤞🏼
  • Thursday, Feb 1: such a good day! One of my favorite techs brought me some word searches and crossword puzzles! She also bent some rules and was able to take me down to the cafeteria to pick breakfast out, vs order from my room! I had an ultrasound to check on baby’s growth. Still no “official” word, we’re waiting to hear the results from the MFM doctor. But, what the tech told me was that he’s grown significantly! 3 weeks ago he was 1lb3oz and today he is measuring at 2lbs even! Today I also had the opportunity to draw a photo to include on the mural that will be added to the new mother/baby/NICU wing that’s being built on to a local hospital here! I also had a visit from my in laws associate pastor at their church. Unfortunately, I missed him because I was down in ultrasound while he stopped by, but they put together a huge basket for me! 
  • As of Thursday, Feb 1, I weigh 121.2 pounds! That’s 17.2 pounds up from pre-pregnancy 🙌🏼

Pictures from this week: 

🎉🎉🎉HAPPY 26 WEEKS BABY S!!!! 🎉🎉🎉


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