One week down in here! Yesterday was my one weekiversary here at the hospital. As much as I don’t want to be here for 10 more weeks, it’s what we’re hoping for. I’ve met a lot of nurses, and have a few that are my regulars. Everyone loves coming in to my room because I have my diffuser running constantly, so it always smells good in here.
I’m going to start taking advantage of my wheel chair privileges. I get to go out in a wheel chair twice a day for 30 minutes if I want to.
This first week has seemed like an eternity, but I’ve had a great amount of visitors to keep me company. Day time is usually the most boring. So I tend to doze off a lot.
I won’t have too many baby updates, which is a good thing. No news is good news. It seems as though I’ll only be having ultrasounds at my regularly scheduled times, so every 4 weeks. Ultrasound time is when I’ll know more about Baby S! For now we continue to take every day that he stays put as a blessing!
Week 1 Recap:
- Admitted Wednesday, January 10, 2018 for preruptured membranes (broken waters) at 22 weeks 6 days. Received the news I would spend the next 11 weeks, or whatever time we had remaining until he was born at the hospital.
- I received my first round of steroid shots on Wednesday to help baby’s lungs develop quicker.
- Thursday I received my second dose of the steroid shots.
- Thursday was full of so much love from so many visitors. I have them all written down on a sheet of paper so I can write our thank you cards once I’m out of this place!
- The kids came to visit Thursday before the flu ban took in to effect on Friday January 12th.
- Friday the hospital ban took effect. No kids under the age of 18 are allowed in to the hospital while this ban is on ☹️
- Friday afternoon, January 12 we had our growth ultrasound. Baby S was 1lb 3oz and right on his growth track. He was head down. Fluids were still low.
- Friday night I spoke with the neonatologist from the NICU. He explained things we would be seeing, things we could expect, and answered any questions I had pertaining to the NICU.
- Lots of visitors during this week! I won’t list them all individually, but I felt SO loved.
- Monday, January 15, Chantry was helmeted. The craniotologist facility is right by the hospital, so i was wheeled down and able to visit her for 30 minutes!
- Tuesday, January 16, Annestyne turned 4! Chad, the kids, and my MIL were able to visit so I could be with my family to give Annestyne her presents and have a cake with her!
- Wednesday, Jan 17, I woke at 430am to severe abdominal pains, contractions, shakes, and nausea. We were so worried I was in labor. I vomited a lot, pooped a lot, and all was well. Turns out a 24 hour bug had hit me 🤢☹️
- We had a HUGE snow this week!
- Baby is monitored 3x/day
- Blood is drawn every 3 days for the blood bank!
Week 1 photos:
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