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Week 2 Hospital Stay Recap with Baby S 

This second week, there wasn’t much going on. My nurses and techs have all started to really warm up to me, and vice versa. So far, my favorite Dr that I have seen is Dr. Stinson. He’s a DO, and he’s just so relaxed and soft spoken. 

One of my favorite techs, who I also happened to go to school with, brought Baby S some super cute preemie onesies 😍

I’ll have another ultrasound in about a week (probably next Friday or so), and they will be checking on his growth and fluids. So please pray everything is going down in the belly as it should! Ultrasounds will be done about every 3 weeks! 

Now that I am over 24 weeks, I am back to having fetal tones monitored every time toco is monitored. Which means, every time they monitor for contractions, they are having to put the baby’s heartbeat on for a full 30 minutes. And my poor nurses, he’s a runner and at this gestation it’s already hard to keep them on for that long. 

Week 2 Recap:

  • The dietician came in and spoke to me Saturday morning and gave me more menu options for down in the cafeteria. They provide more options for long term care patients! Thank God — the menu does get boring here. 
  • Saturday I got visits from my dad, Nana, and a friend who I’ve been wanting to meet, Courtney. She brought me an awesome gift basket full of delicious snacks and my FAVORITE— mangoes! 
  • Sunday, January 21 I got out of the hospital for the first time. Chad came to visit and took me outdoors. The weather was beautiful. The snow had mostly melted, and it was over 60 degrees. It was a well-needed walk. I hasn’t seen chad in 5 days. He brought me some awesome homemade dumplings, potato salad, green beans, and crem brûlée cheesecake 🤗 Alex, a friend of mine also came by. She brought me some amazing crystals to keep here with me. 
  • Monday, January 22 was pretty slow. I got to catch up with an old high school friend Kelsey, and she brought me a doughnut from Krispy Kreme! 
  • Tuesday, January 23 I woke up super early (6am). I had leaked some throughout the night, but didn’t get up. Woke up bleeding, and with some uterus pain. Not like contraction pain, more like UTI pain. I was on the monitor for 2 hours, and I got my first urine catheter bright & early (never wanna experience THAT again). The catheter was used for a clean catch (since I’m ruptured AND bleeding).. Dr. Stinson, who is my FAV dr so far, measured my fundus.. it. measured 23 weeks (I was 24+5) I measured smaller partially thanks to low fluids,and partially because i usually measure smaller with all my babies). What a fun start to this Tuesday! 
  • Wednesday, January 24 I had a few visitors, including my kiddos and chad. My friend Becky brought me some beautiful affirmation cards, and a green tea Frappuccino from Starbucks (one of my favs). The kids came for a visit! I hadn’t seen them in EIGHT days. 

This weeks photos: 

Back when we just had to check for contractions and could just Doppler baby S! 

Sample of my long stay lunch menu! It changes weekly! 

Happy 25 weeks baby boy! Another week behind us! 


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