Composting can be as simple as you want it to be, or involved as you want it to be. What is composting? It's natures way of using recycled yard wastes and household wastes to create valuable fertilizer & nutrients!
There are FOUR basic ingredients to composting:
Good starting materials for a compost will include leaves, grass clippings, straw, veggie & fruit scraps, coffee grounds, livestock manure, sawdust, and shredded paper.
Avoid using: dead plants, dead animals, weeds, meat scraps, & pet poo.
When you add wastes from your kitchen it will naturally attract flies, so just make a hole in the center of your compost pile and bury the wastes :)
For best results, make sure you have an even ratio of green or wet material, and brown or dry material. This makes sure you have a good combination of nitrogen and carbon.
Rain provides moisture, but if it is really dry out you may need to water your pile. If it is super rainy, you may want to cover it. To make sure you have enough moisture you can reach in to your pile and grab some soil & squeeze it. If a few drops of water come out, it has enough moisture. If not, you need to water and turn your pile. This helps to keep your microorganisms performing correctly.
To make sure your pile gets adequate air, to need to punch holes in your pile to create air passages, and also make sure to turn or rotate your pile often with a rake or any other garden tool.
Over time, the microorganisms begin to break down the organic material. Bacteria are the first to break down the plant tissue, and are the most numerous and effective compost makers! Fungi & Protozoans eventually find their way in, and later on so will centipedes, millipedes, beetles, worms, and other insects. These all help to complete your composting process!
Cold, or slow composting:
Cold composting allows you to just pile your material on the ground or in a bin. It requires no maintenance, but can take several months or a year for the pie to decompose. It is a faster process in warmer climates.
This type of composting works well I you're short on time needed to tend to your pile at least every other day, have little yard waste, or aren't in a hurry to use your compost. Just add yard waste as it piles up.
Vermicomposting: This method uses worms to compost. It can be done year round, and takes up very little space. It is an awesome way to rid of those kitchen wastes.
Nothing is happening! --> you may need to add more nitrogen, water, air, or adjust the size of the pile.
The pile is too hot! --> you probably have TOO much nitrogen & need to add more carbon materials to reduce the heat.
My pile stinks!! --> not enough air or too much moisture! Turn your pile, or add dry materials to the wet pile!
Soil amendment: mix 2-5in of compost in to veggie and flower gardens each year before planting. If you're using a pot, add one part compost to two parts commercial potting soil or make your own by using equal parts compost and sand.
Mulch: spread an inch or so of compost around annuals and up to 6 inches around trees and shrubs.
Top dressing: mix sifted compost with sand and sprinkle over yards!
Coffee grounds
Corn cobs
Corn stalks
Food scraps
Grass clippings
Hedge trimmings
Livestock manure
Plant stalks
Pine needles
Old potting soil
Shredded paper
Tea bags
Telephone books
Tree leaves & twigs
Veggie scraps
Weeds without seed heads
Wood chips
Woody brush
Bread & grains
Cooking oil
Dairy products
Dead animals
Dead plants
Animal poop
Grease or oily food
Meat or fish
Weeds with seed heads
Composting isn't an exact science, and only experience can tell you what works best for you! Good luck!!
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