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Showing posts from December, 2012

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Gray Way.

      Since Hasting was born, I'm all about crunchiness and bringing the hippie out in me. Just the other week, our town dropped of new recycling bins for us. I got so excited I called my husband while he was at work jus to tell him we had received new recycling bins! It wasn't just NEW ones, they were BIGGER. We used to have to use the smaller boxed crates for our recycling. Talk about weekly overload of recycling! THEN, we got actual CANS, BIG TRASH CANS for our recycling. I swear I was jumpong for joy, I couldn't contain my excitment haha.   Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.   We could do more, but we are getting better!   Here are some things we do in each of these areas in our family: Reduce paper towel use (we limit our use and go weeks without them if we run out) I am currently in the process of learning to make un-paper towels! make own cleaning solutions, laundry detergent, multi-purpose cleaners, etc. I am in the ...

Celebrating a ONE YEAR OLD, Dr. Seuss Style!

      Hasting's First Birthday is approaching us! With it being so close to the Christmas Holiday, we decided to celebrate two weeks in advance. Hasting was born Friday, December 23, 2011 at 1:47pm. He weighed 7 pounds 7 ounces, and was 21 inches long! Click here  to read my birth story :)   I can't believe that in just 2 short weeks or littl eman will be turning ONE. Everyone said that that the time would fly, but until you become a parent that either a) doens't matter to you or b) you don't believe it. Well guess what? I'm here to tell you, believe it!     We decided to have Hasting's party at Chad's parents house this year. We wanted to have an aqequate amount of space (although it was just family & close friends), so that everyone wouldn't feel cluttered. They have 2 living rooms, so it was perfect!   Dr. Seuss was a perfect theme. The man was a genious in our eyes, and he knew what he was talking about. He wrote...

PAXbaby Giveaway!

For those of you who know me well. then you will also know that I have a love & passion for baby wearing!   One of my ultimate FAVORITE places to swoon over awesome carriers is hosting a giveaway for reaching 10,000 fans on facebook.   Paxbaby  is a one-stop-shop for some of the MOST BEAUTIFUL Carriers! This is a great opportunity for any of you who have been interested in baby wearing but haven't jumped on the bandwagon yet!   Enter the giveaway below :) a Rafflecopter giveaway

I'm a Procrastinator.

Tomorrow is Hasting's First Birthday Party.  And dear Lord, I procrastinated all the way up until the last minute. You think you have all this time in the world to plan, then it suddenly sneaks up on you. I waited literally like 4 or 5 weeks until his party to get things together and plan. Bad part: most of his things had to be ordered online because we chose a theme that isn't is ANY store. Dr. Seuss. Party supplies were from Birthday Express, cupcake toppers, high chair banner, and his outfit were from Etsy, and his book was from Ebay. I was freaking out that his outfit wouldn't be here on time, but it came yesterday. And let me tell you.... something I paid $40 I could have made for less than $20 on my own. I am beyond livid, and when I remember her Etsy sight I will let it be known the name of her shop! His party favors were handmade (more on those tomorrows post), all except the 2 little goodie boxes for the 2 kids attending. We decided to keep his...

Healing Without Medicine! That's What I'm Talking About!

    Since having Hasting, I have really done a TON of research. I've came to realization that medicine isn't the cure to everything. Dr's are quick to prescribe medicine, instead of really focusing on thier patient and finding other healthier options. My lifestyle since birthing Hasting has become more laid back, therefore creating a more postive natural living atmosphere for my family & I. I've met a GREAT support system of moms locally, whom we all share a TON of common interests in. We have a "natural-living, attachment parenting" page on FB, and are all very close knit. One day while searching over the page, there was conversation of pediatric chiropractor care. My first thoughts were, "That's insane, taking your CHILD to see a chiro". Like all, I was quick to judge and had done NO most people are quick to do. So I looked in to it more. Chiropractic care for children addresses children's health conditions...

An Educated Decision.

“You cannot be in the presence of a profoundly vaccine damaged child and not know that child could be your own.  And you cannot try to comfort a mother who has just buried a baby who has died from a vaccine … and not know that you could be the one standing over the grave.  When it happens to your child, the risks are 100 percent.” ~Barbara Loe Fisher (Founder of the National Vaccine Information Center) May 13, 1996  First and foremost, this was a personal decision. In no way, shape, or form are we judgemental towards others who decide otherwise for their children. IT IS YOUR CHILD, not ours.  So if you're here to read this then attack me, F off, because it ain't gonna happen, nor change my mind. We didn't just decide, "hey, we don't wanna just not vaccinate our son". It took time, effort, and research. I was the one who first caught interest in the topic. Chad on the other hand was down right against n...

Tis' the Season!

Hasting was able to enjoy his first parade today! We didn't go last year because it was incredibly cold and I was over 8 months pregnant, and no way did I feel like going! The parade started at 2, but we sat right at the end of it, dumb move. We didn't know they switched up the way the parade went. We thought it was the sam direction as the fourth of july parade, wrong. So although the parade started at 3, it didn't start for us until 3. So, needless to say, I had to keep Hasting somehow pre-occupied for a whole hour. Hardees cups/straws do amazing at that. Oh, and woven wraps too. Hasting was excellent the whole time. He got bored towards the end, and got over-tired (and it cooled down a lot too). We were expecting the parade to only last 45mins-1hr, but it lasted from 2-5. We totally went diaperbagless thinking we'd be fine. Wrong. Well, we were fine, Hasting just needed a booty change. Luckily, we live not even 5 minutes away from the road the parade...