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Hasting's birth story :)

Little Hasting arrived on Friday, December 23, at 1:43pm at The Women's Hospital in Greensboro, NC. He weighed in at 7 pounds, 7 ounces and was 21 inches long!

Everyone, or every woman should I say, is curious to know how labor & delivery went.. Well this is how mine went:

Thursday morning, 12/22, I started having some pretty intense contractions (or at least it felt like it to me). Chad got up like usual for work and I just laid in bed in pain. Before Chad walked out of the door to leave, he came to kiss me goodbye & I darted crying. I didn't want him to leave me, I was scared of being alone because this was something that I had never experienced before. Eventually, I let him leave and just continued to lay in bed. About 30 minutes later, Chad called and he had ran out of gas on the interstate. To me, this way God's way of telling Chad to go ahead and call out, that this baby was coming soon. So Chad did just that. He called out of work, (he was originally supposed to only work 12/22 & 12/23 then be off until early Jan anyways for Christmas break), and got gas fro some men who stopped to help him.

Chad came home & we just kind of hung out. To help ease some of the pain I got up mid day & started moving around & cleaning. It felt like they were getting worse, so we piled everything up and drove to the hospital. We got to maternity admissions, I went through and had everything checked and was hooked up to monitor my contractions. Ended up, I was about 90% effaced, but only 2cm dilated, and my contractions were lasting long enough, but weren't regular enough, so they sent us home.

Later that night, around 11pm, my contractions sped up and I was in so much pain it hurt to walk. I called the doctor on call, and he sent me back to the hospital. This time everything was the same, except she said my contractions weren't long enough. I looked at her like she was crazy because they were lasting a good 45-60 seconds a piece. She explained that she was going to call the dr on call and let me know if he wanted to admit me or not. At this point I was going to beg to be admitted! She came back in and said that dr. silva wanted to admit me, and wanted me to walk walk walk. I changed into a gown & a robe and was walked over to my delivery room! This was close to 1am.

We called Chad's parents when we got settled into our room. I got hooked up to my IV and had blood drawn for the cord blood donation. Chad and I started walking the halls. It killed me to walk, but I knew it would help kick the contractions into gear, help hasting drop, and help me dilate more. Chads parents arrived close to 3:30am. Chad and his dad went & got all of our bags & everything out of the car, then came back to nap. Me and Chad's mom continued to try and jump start things and walked the halls. I also got on a yoga ball and rolled around a bit. By this point I was so tired. I had been up almost 24 hours because I couldn't sleep from my contraction pains. All I wanted to do was get my epidural and SLEEP before Hasting arrived. I had already been informed that I had to wait until I was 4cm dilated to get the epi. Finally, when the nurse checked me at about 7:15 I was 5cm and was able to get the epidural. By this time my nana had also arrived at the hospital.

I was really nervous about getting the epidural, even though I have a pretty high pain tolerance and needles don't bug me. It was just the fact that it was a HUGE needle, and it was going into my back! I had also heard horror stories of the epidural not being injected right, therefore not being effective. It wasn't bad though, it stung but nothing serious. Once I got my epi I was able to sleep, and sleep good because I couldn't feel my contractions anymore. More of my family came to visit.. My aunt and her kids (which are just like my mom & brothers/sisters). There were a few times I had to up my epi because I felt like the feeling was coming back. For some reason, I guess because they don't want you using the bathroom all over them, the nurses request you go potty with the epi. Either bedpan style, or cath style. Now I don't know about you, but I'm not getting cathed, regardless as to if I can feel it or not, so I went in for the lovely bedpan.

I think it was about 9:30 or so when they came and broke my water. Re nurse told me that if I felt a sudden urge to have a bowel movement I needed to inform her asap. So by this point i was really in and out. I just remember falling asleep around 11am, and waking up around 1am feeling like "Woah. I feel that urge to go poop" haha. So I paged my nurse, she checked me, and I was complete. It was time to PUSH. As soon as she told me it was go time, and time to push I totally cried. I couldnt believe that in a short period of time I was about to be a mommy! We got everyone out of the room, except for those who I wanted in there with me for the birth (which was chad, Chad's mom, & kara, our photographer). I started pushing some before Dr. Ross came in, and by the time she did come in Hasting was out in about 4 or 5 pushes.

During the birth of Hasting I had requested for a mirror down at my feet so I could watch my son being born. I have to say, I'm very glad I did. Watching my son born is one of the most incredible things I have ever experienced.

When Hasting was born he had a little extra fluid in his lungs. I was able to see him and hold him close for about 5 minutes, then the nurses and Chad took him to the nursery for some cleaning and oxygen treatment.

I had one of the most wonderful labor and delivery experiences & would do it all over again in a heartbeat. I have a wonderful, healthy, beautiful baby boy and couldn't be more happier.

We were discharged from the hospital on Christmas Day, & were still able to have Christmas with our families as well!

Chad and I plan on having more children. The plan is the same with Hasting... When God decides to bless us with another, then another we will have :)

A few pictures from Hasting's birth!

Weighing in at 7.7

Daddy Sleeping Before Hasting's Arrival!

Sleepy Baby!

Granny Gray & Hasting!

num, num, num

Pretty Eyes!

All of Hasting's Aunt & Uncles!

PawPaw Carmichael holding Hastinf for the first time!

My AWESOME nurse!

My daddy & stepmom!

Daddy & his baby boy!

Mommy & Daddy before Hasting arrived!

holding my baby boy for the first time!


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