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Turning my nose up to conventional deodorant

Seizures. Breast Canver. Alzheimer's. Kidney problems. Bone formation issues.

Those are all scary things. And things you can be susceptible to with conventional deodorants. 

Switching to natural deodorant isn't an overnight thing. You don't just wake up and smell good. My first attempt of using natural deodorant was an epic fail. I stopped using my Secret and went straight to Toms. My pits hated me. I smelled like a dumpster, and the deodorant I used caused my pits to burn and breakout. Probably the baking soda. 

I'm a firm believer that making the switch is a trial and error for each person. What works for me may not work for you, and vice versa.

Couple tips:

1. Arm yourself with knowledge

The product you’re using every day likely has some not-so-great ingredients. Parabens, phthalates, aluminum and more, all which, over time and with consistent use, may increase allergies,  sensitivities, and disease. The science isn’t perfect, but there is enough to be concerned that there's some real risk. So, why take the chance if there’s an alternative?

2. Be ok with sweating 

Our body sweats for a reason. God is a genius and created us to sweat in order to cool our body down. We also sweat in order to get rid of toxins. If we stop that natural process from occurring, we should expect to have problems. You will need to re-apply your natural deodorant if you do more excessive activities.. Like when I went for a 2 mile walk this am. 

 3. Give it a chance.

It will take time for your body to adjust to the fact that it isn't being blocked up by the aluminum holding your sweat in. Be sure to wash your armpits daily and try to keep it clean as your body adjusts. It can take up to a few weeks before your body calibrates. I did a pit detox. 2-3 days straight. 1 tablespoon organic apple cider vinegar mixed with 1 tablespoon bentonite clay. Mix well to for a paste. Spot to pits and let it sit for 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water! 

I was really adamant on making natural deodorant work for me. I'm pretty natural in all areas of my life... I mean lets be real, I don't use toilet paper, I use family cloth (cloth wipes). The only other area I now struggle in is my beauty products.. Which is a whole different ballgame because natural beauty products can get costly. I'll get there. One day. 

I was really impressed with my body after my pit detox. I bought my clay and deodorant at my local herbalist shop. I've found what works for me is the crystal stone. It will has no smell, and it will last for EVER. All you do is wet it and rub. I've sweated more in the past week, but that's to be expected during your detox. 

Im very impressed with the fact that I don't stink. And so is my husband. I used to have bad BO (embarrassing), and the smelly good deodorants only made it worse. And what was even WORSE, I was having problems getting my armpits CLEAN. The conventional deodorants were sticking to my pits and I was scrubbing them with soap like my life depended on it. It was awful. My pits always stunk because they were never getting clean, and the deodorant was basically building up. 

I've been using my crystal for a week now, and it's made a huge change. I don't stink. At all. It blew my mind the first day I realized it worked, and it will does! 

So give it a try, especially if you've been considering it. Just don't give up after a couple of days.. Even a week or more. Your body needs time to adjust! 


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