The rules are simple...
1. Sign up using the below form. Click on the link below to be taken to the form! Open to all US residents ONLY.
2. Sign ups close August 28th and you will receive your partner by the 30th at the very latest. if numbers are un-even we will open for a couple more days!
3. Spend a couple weeks chatting with your buddy, getting to know them.
4. Send out a mug to them BY September 30th. The MAX you should spend on the mug is $15. Remember, you still have to pay shipping. You CAN order online like etsy or Amazon and ship it straight to your partner. You may also include other goodies inside our package. That is your choice and not mandatory.
5. We'd love to see your mugs when you get them. Use the hashtag #fallmugswap2015L&K (because apparently mug swapping is a thing and its already got a handful of taken hashtags!)
6. Share it! Make sure to tell your friends about the swap on IG and Facebook!
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