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Gender Reveal Party for Baby #2!

This could {POSSIBLY} be the last baby Gray... Possibly. So we wanted to do something different, and something we never even thought of (our could have had the patience to do) with Hasting. I knew before I even got pregnant again that I wanted to do a gender reveal party. Nothing BIG, but just a fun celebration with closest family and friends. 

We went to our gender scan on Tuesday, August 13th. I was so nervous sitting in the lobby. I'm not even sure why. I've been through it before, AND we weren't even finding out the sex! We decided to wait and find out the sex as the same time as everyone else in our family! 

The whole time during the scan I kept thinking I was seeing little penises everywhere. BTW, chad thought  baby was female, and I thought baby was male. Our ultrasound tech was amazing, and got so many awesome photos for us to bring home with us! It's also always a plus when you can have a conversation with someone about natural birth, and the first thing to come out of their mouths not be "oh my god, you are crazy!". During the scan we go to see some really awesome things, including the cord and the super healthy placenta I am growing! Once she reached the time for the determination of the sex she had us close our eyes & turn our heads. She placed the photo with "boy" or "girl" on it in a sealed envelope, and later that evening we delivered the envelope to Chad's niece (who is a cake decorator). 

For the party, I wanted sweet, simple, and to the point. My best friend Jess helped me organize everything, shop, & decorate! We had the party at Sagebrush Restaurant, in their saloon room for more privacy! 

The decor was light, fun, and super in-expensive. All decorations came from Party City except: HE or SHE chalkboard, glass milk jugs, ball mason jars, colored rocks, plates, and the re-purposed window. 

-chalkboard came from a local boutique that carries all things handmade. It actually belonged to the store, and I asked to purchase it! 

-glass milk jugs came from chad's parents. They are some they had kept from when they were younger. 

-mason jars were Jess'. She got those at Ace Hardware!

-colored stones came from Walmart & The Dollar Store! 

-plates were a dollar store special!

-repurposed window is from chad's parents old barn! It's been sitting in our garage for quite some time, and I found a cool idea on Pinterest to use it for our ultrasound photos! 

Our cake was one of my favorites! I loved the vintage floral look. It was super delicious, and was made by our awesome niece Elise! 

I also found a cool Hershey bar idea online, and it was super cheap to do! 

The party was really fun, and it was really nice to have all of our family together, as well as our closest friends. We got to enjoy a nice dinner together, and all find out the sex of baby gray 2 at the same time

Oh. I bet you're wondering, so what is baby gray #2?!

Hasting is going to have a baby SISTER!!!! 💗💗💗💗

We are over the moon excited to announce that we will be adding a precious baby girl to our family! We are so blessed, and I am so happy to be giving my husband a daddy's little girl!!!


  1. Wow, this gender reveal party was amazing. You have been such fabulous blogger, party planner and a great personality. I love reading through your blog and this party has given me so much inspiration. I also would be throwing the gender reveal party soon and my hubby is helping me thoroughly with the arrangements. He just booked one of the New York venues for the bash.


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