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Getting Things Started!

I knew from the moment that I became pregnant, all I wanted to do was be able to stay at home with my baby and never miss out on any of those "new" moments. I thought it was something that would never be possible, and that financially, it was just out of the question.
Now, here I sit, with a 13 month old, and I haven't seen a day of work since summer of 2011.
There's been struggles, everyone has them. I wouldn't trade a single struggle though.
With that being said, things have been a little tight around this household. With all that's been happening (yes, I've slacked on blogging..sue me), things are not where we are used to being. We've had a change up in a few things around here to help save us some moolah!
1. Of course, we still make our own cleaning products. Blog on this to come in the near future!

2. We have started meal planning as well. It can be a little tricky, but that's something that we are still working on getting good at :) I use a spreadsheet that we have in our Microsoft Word program on our computer to make my weekly planner!

Looks just like that ^^. I first started off just writing it on paper, but then we got the new Microsoft Office Suite through Chad's school (another new awesome thing!). I'll post another blog later on meal planning once I get more aquainted with it and figure out what works BEST for us!
3. Chad has gone back to school. He has decided that he would like to persue a career in Welding, so he has taken on school part-time at a local community college.

He is very excited about this opportunity, as am I. We are lucky enough that we didn't have to take out ANY school loans!! All of his grants have paid for all of the required classes/books/materials and MORE. So no more debt for us!!
4. I have decided to start my own WAHM (Work-at-home-mom) business, and see where it takes me. I love sewing, and I love making things. It's just in my nature! Currently, I have a facebook page, and I am working on stocking up an etsy page! My small little business is called Hug A Hippie Handmades, which is completely fitting. My biggest seller at the moment is unpapertowels! I am working on creating a TON of things for my little business, and hopefully watch it grow!
5. I have also decided to get my photography really booming again. I started to slack because I didn't  really have the proper software to edit pictures. Now that has changed. Chad purchsed me the Photoshop CS6 Design Standard, so now I have endless editing options. I don't know how to use it, BUT I'm working on that. I'm going to be taking a one on one private lesson with a firend of mine who is a bomb photographer to help me learn the ways of my software! I have decided to maintain focus on childbirth, maternity, & newborns (with a few childrens shots). To build a portfolio up, I have offered birth photography free of service to a few local mother's. I will also be trying to find a doula that I can partner up with to offer birth photography through :) I finally created a watermark for all my photos (which is something I have been struggling with for a WHILE now!)
Just a quick update to get back in to the swing of things! Stay tuned, there's a few giveaway's lined up this month! Int'l folks, you can enter (all I ask is for you to pay shipping!)
Hipppie OUT :)



  1. Im a doula you can email me more info on partnering!!! at im in clarksville tn


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