Meet Logan Jay Forbis! Our beautiful baby cousin!
Logan was born 2/6/12.
He weighed 5 lbs. 9 oz. and was 19 in. long.
When he was born he took 2 breaths and then needed help breathing.
Once they got his breathing under control he was rushed to the NICU for evaluation.
From there, they discovered that Logan could not swallow, nor move his body. He was basically a floppy baby. Logan spent 8 days at Women's Hospital, and on 2/14/12 he was transferred to UNC hospital so my cousin & his wife could get some answers.
Logan is currently still in ICU.
To learn more on how little man is doing please visit his CaringBridge website.
Yesterday, we drove to Burlington, NC to contribute to a fundraiser that was being held for little Logan. 10% of our bill went towards helping our cousin's pay for Logan's medical bills. It was wonderful to see Kathleen & Brian, as well as other family members there. There were also SOOOOO many other people there to support such a wonderful little blessing God has given our family! Community, church friends, family, friends, co-workers, & people Brian & Kat didn't even know came out. It was such an amazing turn-out & I can't wait to see the results!
Kat & Brian are two of the strongest people I know. We continue to pray for them daily, and can't wait for Hasting & his baby cousin Logan to have play dates together! Logan is such a fighter, and we know he will be home soon! We love you Logan Jay, stay strong little buddy!!!
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