Our Family Picture at Myrtle Beach, SC February 18, 2012 (yes, Hasting is hiding in the moby wrap, snoozing away) Alright! So we just got back yesterday from our very first vacation as a family, and although there is LOADS of diaper laundry and regular laundry to be done, I'm taking a break and blogging! We were able to take some time and go on our first trip as a family to the beach from 2/17-2/20. We took along Hasting's godfather Clay, because we consider him family and wanted to share that time with him as well. We were planning on leaving around 11am Friday morning, but with all the procrastination the night before, trying to get floors ready, and Hasting, kinda didn't happen. We ended up leaving the house around 1 and going to eat mexican for lunch. We had to make a pit stop at BabiesRUs as well to get a travel bassinet for Hasting so he would have somewhere to sleep. Hasting did outstanding for his first long car ride! He was awake for some of the ...