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October// Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month

On October 25, 1988, American President Ronald Reagan designated the entire month of October 1988 as Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month.October 15 Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day Campaign began in 2002 as an American movement started by Robyn Bear, Lisa Brown, and Tammy Novak. Together, they petitioned the federal government, as well as the governors of each of the 50 states, in conjunction with the first observation of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day in October 15, 2002, 20 states signed proclamations recognizing the date as such. As a result of the American campaign effort, Concurrent Resolution 222, Supporting the goals and ideals of National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day was passed in the House of Representatives on September 28, 2006. (Wikipedia).

Pregnancy and Infant loss is something that should be talked about, and should be heard. It should be heard with acceptance, love, and most of all support. Women shoudl not be ashamed, embarrassed, or guilty to share their losses.
Together, we can make a change. Women should never feel like this is a journey that they are alone on. 

Please acknowledge the women who have endured such great loss and pain. Let their voices and their babies names be heard. No mother should feel like the story of their child should be hidden.

This past month, I had the honor of partnering with a Jordan Vines, professional photographer and owner of Vines Studios LLC. Together, we worked diligently on a vision of breaking the stigma and the silence that surrounds loss mothers. We gathered local loss mothers together, and we honored our babies. We said their names, and we held on to only what memories we had of our babies (some of us our sweet little babies ashes). Jordan did a phenomenal job at capturing all of us loss mothers. If you are local, and in need of a lifestyle photographer, I HIGHLY recommend Jordan!

 There are way too many to add to this post, but here are a few of mine, in honor of our Sadler Bear. 

Visit our Smiles for Sadler Facebook page to see the whole gallery, and to read the stories of all of these beautiful woman and their babies!

Also, if you are a loss mother, Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep, has a 31 day calendar of how you can honor your baby during the month of October for FREE HERE.


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