Recently, I added an "OK to wake" clock in my Amazon shopping cart. Hasting needs help determining when the time is appropriate for him to wake, and when it's appropriate for him to come out of his room. Some days it's normal hours, others, not so much. I need time to myself to start my day. I've been wanting to wake around 6am myself, have time to make (and enjoy) a HOT cup of coffee, meditate, complete some morning yoga, and talk to Jesus. BUT, with a kid thinking it's ok to take over my space at 6am, I haven't been able to even START that sort of routine.
A while back a friend had talked about a DIY "ok to wake" clock. Up until now, I had shoved the idea off, and wanted to just buy one because they seemed cooler, lit up, and played cool noises. But, I quickly discovered they're $30. So, I decided since I had all I needed to do the DIY clock, why not give it a whirl first, seeing as I love being thrifty and like saving money and all. So, I deleted the clock from my Amazon cart, and decided this morning was the morning to that thunder cat a GOOOOOOOO.
We had an inexpensive clock that we've had hanging in Hasting's room since I can remember. I brought it down and took the face off. I decided what time I felt was a decent time to allow Hasting to be out of his bed and come out of his room.
For my clock, I decided he needed to stay in bed until 6 a.m. So I painted 5 a.m. to 6 a.m. RED. Typically, he's not up until WAY past this time, but he does have his moments on occasion.
For my clock, I decided he needed to stay in bed until 6 a.m. So I painted 5 a.m. to 6 a.m. RED. Typically, he's not up until WAY past this time, but he does have his moments on occasion.
I decided that I was fine with him reading or playing quietly IN his room from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. That includes quietly having some time on his Super Nintendo as well. So I painted that hour YELLOW.
Next, I decided that at 7 a.m. he could come out of his room to begin his day. If mommy wasn't awake, he could come wake me. So I painted 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. GREEN.
Last, I placed a purple star sticker on the hour hand of the clock.
I then explained the clock to Hasting as follows:
-RED means STAY IN BED it's still time to be sleeping
-YELLOW means MELLOW activities (reading, quiet play, or Super Nintendo time)
-GREEN means GO and he can come out of his room (and wake mommy if he needs to).
I then explained the clock to Hasting as follows:
-RED means STAY IN BED it's still time to be sleeping
-YELLOW means MELLOW activities (reading, quiet play, or Super Nintendo time)
-GREEN means GO and he can come out of his room (and wake mommy if he needs to).
When the hour hand points to a color (the arrow with the star sticker on it), then Hasting knows what he is allowed to do (stay in bed, mellow play, or come out).
I'm hoping this clock will help with teaching Hasting how to manage his own morning. I hope it helps him feel like he has more control over his morning vs feeling like "is it ok if I get up?". I am hoping to gain being able to begin our day at a reasonable hour!
Tomorrow will be our first morning with the clock. I will provide an update for you guys in about 30 days, and let you know how it has worked out for us!
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