SO MUCH FUN! Hasting really enjoys it! We've always been on and off with crafts and cooking together, we've just added more crafts and a couple worksheets. Our first week was full of fun worksheets, crafts, a lot of park time, and a trip to the park in Greensboro for a play date and picnic with friends! We have very limited structure to our curriculum that we have ordered, but I am still a planner! We do school 3 days a week-- Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday! Our curriculum we use is Alpha Omega, and is the Homeschool Preschool for threes. I ordered it when they had a great deal going on, and paid no more than $60 shipped. It is a Christian based curriculum. It came with the teachers handbook, children's workbook, children's workbook companion, and bible story book. I just incorporate extra crafts I find via Pinterest! I really enjoy this curriculum. It can be as structured as you want it to be, and all of the subjects (math, science, music, shapes, PE, etc), can be...