When I first got pregnant with Hasting I knew that I had a lot to learn. I mean, a lot. One of the first decisions that I made as a new mother-to-be was to cloth diaper. Woah. Say what? Cloth Diaper? You mean like the old school diapers you fold and pin? THAT is the response I got from A LOT of people. They looked at me as if I had 4 eyeballs, told me I was insane, it would be too hard, and too gross. Oh the judgment! At one point, I even thought that I was in way over my head with my decision, and almost backed out. Not because I knew I couldn't do it, because I had SO MANY people telling me all these same things over and over.
Once you become a parent, it's like a whole different ball game. Not just because you are now responsible for another life, but also for the way that you choose to do things. I became extremely defensive towards others and their opinions on the lifestyle that I had chosen for my family. I was tired of being "criticized" for my out of the norm "extremities" (as some people would call it). I noticed that some people were un-comfortable around us because our parenting choices varied drastically from theirs. And that's not ok. I took offense to it quickly, and for the longest time I found myself becoming more and more judgmental towards others because I was being judged. I became extremely protective over my beliefs and would lash out like a crazy person in defense. And that's not ok.
Being pregnant with number two has made me realize that getting on a soap box and arguing or judging is completely un-called for. Even if I'm attacked, I need to step away and eat my words, and put the haterade down. Even if they don't. I am a very opinionated person, and that's ok. Everyone has a little piece of that in them, and we are all entitled to that.
Regardless of if you use cloth, use disposables, breast feed, bottle feed, baby wear, or how you birth... we are all mothers. We are all making decisions for the children that were created FOR US, and only us. There is no wrong way to raise your child.
We chose an a parenting alternative that is unfortunately sometimes frowned upon, and that's cool. I'm not saying that our way of parenting is better than yours, it's just what we have decided is best for OUR family. I would never imply that you do anything differently to raise your family. That's ALL YOU. Ya'll do ya'll, and we will do us. Just as you wish to have your parenting choices respected, we wish the same.
There is so much haterade in the parenting community, and it isn't just the natural, holistic, "crunchy" ones drinking it. Mainstreamers need to take a step off of their soapboxes every now and then and realize the judgment they throw as well.
There is a difference between informing and judging. I think we should all take a dose of that.
I would like to take this moment and apologize to anyone who has ever felt like I was ever judging them for the way they choose to parent their children. It has taken some time, but I can proudly state that this is something I have been working on :)
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