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Hasting's First Easter

I've been wanting to blog for some time now, but last week our computer crashed on us & we haven't had the time nor money to get it fixed! So for now, it's writing new post by way of cell phone! warning: my posts will look different compared to the computer unfortunately :/

Before Easter we went out and got 2 baby chicks.... One for Hasting & one for myself. We didn't have a heating lamp the first night, but we kept them on our back enclosed porch with a towel over them. When I woke the next morning one had already went to be with Jesus, and the other was headed to be with Jesus :/ So, I gathered some small washcloths, threw them in the dryer, got them warm, and then placed them around the baby chick that was struggling. I got him back healthy, and he even ate and drank too! He also played with our pug mojo! It was too cute, it thought mojo was it's mommy! Sadly, although we got somewhat of a heatlamp, nugget passed away overnight :/ I've added a few pictures of little nugget below.

As you all know, or if you know us, Chad is like crocodile Dundee when it comes to catching random animals. The day before Easter Chad caught a baby bunny rabbit, in our yard, while he was weed-eating. We put him in a HUGE box and left him in our kitchen overnight so he wouldn't get cold out (bc the weather wasn't going to be so great). I woke up to feed Hasting the next morning and the rabbit was NOWHERE to be found! I had gotten loose in our house!!! Chad & I searched the house up & down for that little booger and we couldn't find him. Eventually, we gave up thinking we'd have to find him at some point. We went out to eat with Chad's parents and came home and started doing Hasting's regular routine of getting ready for bed. As Chad was putting clothes on Hasting, I walked over to Hasting's curtains to adjust them. I pulled the right one up and out popped the rabbit!!! It scared the mess out of me and I yelped like a baby haha. We kept it one more night & decided to let it go yesterday. Pics are posted of who we called Thumper below :)

We had a very long day yesterday for Easter! We woke up & gave Hasting his goodies from the bunny & he loved it all! We took Hasting to church for the first time, and he didn't do too bad. We were able to be in the "baby parade" at church which was really fun. Each family got in front of the church that had babies under the age of one. They introduced their baby, had their pictures taken with their family & the preacher & his wife, & were given a lamb rattle that said "the Lord is my shepherd". Hasting lasted halfway through church then got a tad bit fussy (mainly because it was nap time). So I gave him a bottle then walked out and rocked him to sleep. Once he fell asleep I was able to go back & sit with Chad.

After church we went to my nana's house for lunch. She had prepared a yummy meal, and had even made home made reeces..YUM! My nana, aunt & uncle & all their kids were there, and my daddy too. It's always nice to see family that you don't see very often on holidays.

We left nana's & went straight to Chad' parents to visit with them. We dyed eggs for the first time as a family. Chad & I have never actually dyed eggs together, so it was fun for us as well.

All in all we had such a great Easter!
I'll post some pictures from our Easter below :)

Tomorrow Hasting has a check up! He will be 16 weeks old on Friday, holy cow!!! I can't wait to see where he stands weight wise! It's great to hear he is gaining so well with the complications that we had with his weight when I was breastfeeding! I'm almost positive hasting will get started on cereals this week!

Here's all the pictures! Enjoy!


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