Holy Moley. We have a 3 MONTH OLD in the house! I absolutely can not believe how fast time is flying by, and how fast our little baby boy is growing! Day by day Hasting is learning something new and being more aware of his surroundings. He does a wonderful job at following noises and making great eye contact when you speak to him. He has learned just recently that he can grasp things in his hands (although he STILL loves to try and grasp things using his toes!). He is making funny noises, and when he lays in his pack n' play he will carry on a conversation with himself :) Hasting hates tummy time, therefore I do NOT push it on him. I do occasionally lay him on my chest, or Chad will lay him on his chest so that he has to use his neck muscles to look up. We have started to try and use Hasting's Bumbo, but it's hard to fit him in it... his legs are chunky & his butt it big from his diapers :) He also needs a little more neck control before he can si...