To my sweet, loving, rainbow: One year of you. 364 days ago, you entered this world in to the hands of your daddy, in a pool full of water in the middle of our living room, while Ray Lamontagne "Hold you in my arms" was playing in the background. There was a room full of eager family and friends ready to meet you! You were the calm after my storm, and I had waited 41 weeks and 1 day to hold you in my arms for eternity. My whole pregnancy was a fear for me. It was so full of what-ifs, fears of losing you, or something going terribly wrong. For 41 weeks and 1 day, fear shadowed over your pregnancy. But the moment that your daddy placed you on my chest a big sigh of relief, and tears flowed. You were here, and you were safe, and we were now a family of five. It has been such a hard year, but such a rewarding one at that. You have grown so much, just within these last months. You have such a gentle and loving soul, and you have been our easiest baby yet. The Lord...