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Showing posts from July, 2016

1-2-3 Magic and our first day using the system!

1-2-3 Magic: Effective Discipline for Children 2–12   is an evidence-based, easy-to-learn and effective parenting program for parents. 1-2-3 Magic System can be used with children as early as 18 months through 12 years.  1-2-3 Magic  is parents in charge, but no arguing, yelling or spanking is allowed. 1-2-3 Magic is the #1 selling child discipline book in the country, and the book itself has sold more than 1.5 million copies in 22 languages.  1-2-3 Magic   produces results quickly , and its power comes from the fact that it is   the only parenting program based on the fact that moms and dads talk too much!  You will learn how silence speaks louder than words. (  I discovered 123 Magic from a friend of mine. She implemented it in her classroom as well as with her daughter. After begging and crying out for help with discipline for Hasting, she told me about this book. I don't do discipline well, especially given my past. I don't be...

Fridge Snack drawer for the kids!

So recently my kids eat like they're dinosaurs or some rather large animal.  And it isn't stopping.  They're basically hungry all the time (or it seems like it at least). I have felt like I'm literally in the kitchen for all eternity either cooking a meal or getting snacks for forever starving children.  So, enter the "cool" bin. A drawer in the fridge where they can grab a snack and not annoy me for days about it. It keeps them happy, and healthy. So, instead of coming straight to my bed at 7am and saying "mommy get up, I'm hungry", I can say "go grab a Baggie from your drawer", and still have a couple more seconds to collect myself and possibly go pee...alone.  COUPLE OF TIPS:  1. HAVE VARIETY!!: Snacks we use: --sliced apples (soaked in lemon juice water for 5-10 minutes to prevent browning!) --sliced oranges  --organic apple sauce pouches  --organic baby carrots  --berries (blueberries,strawberries, raspberries)  --melons (watermelo...

DIY ok to wake clock!

Recently, I added an "OK to wake" clock in my Amazon shopping cart. Hasting needs help determining when the time is appropriate for him to wake, and when it's appropriate for him to come out of his room. Some days it's normal hours, others, not so much. I need time to myself to start my day. I've been wanting to wake around 6am myself, have time to make (and enjoy) a HOT cup of coffee, meditate, complete some morning yoga, and talk to Jesus. BUT , with a kid thinking it's ok to take over my space at 6am, I haven't been able to even START that sort of routine.  A while back a friend had talked about a DIY "ok to wake" clock. Up until now, I had shoved the idea off, and wanted to just buy one because they seemed cooler, lit up, and played cool noises. But, I quickly discovered they're $30. So, I decided since I had all I needed to do the DIY clock, why not give it a whirl first, seeing as I love being thrifty and like saving money and all. So, ...