When I first got pregnant with Hasting I knew that I had a lot to learn. I mean, a lot. One of the first decisions that I made as a new mother-to-be was to cloth diaper. Woah. Say what? Cloth Diaper? You mean like the old school diapers you fold and pin? THAT is the response I got from A LOT of people. They looked at me as if I had 4 eyeballs, told me I was insane, it would be too hard, and too gross. Oh the judgment! At one point, I even thought that I was in way over my head with my decision, and almost backed out. Not because I knew I couldn't do it, because I had SO MANY people telling me all these same things over and over. Once you become a parent, it's like a whole different ball game. Not just because you are now responsible for another life, but also for the way that you choose to do things. I became extremely defensive towards others and their opinions on the lifestyle that I had chosen for my family. I was tired of being "criticized" for my out o...