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Showing posts from October, 2015

3 month dread update with Vlog!

It's month 3 with my second set of dreadlocks! Since my last update I've had my hair colored, they're locking up nicely, and I've had VERY minimal shrinking! I do still have loose hairs, and I have a crazy Congo which I forgot to add to my video. Maybe I'll add a photo later for you (when I don't have a sleeping child on me!) Anyways, check out my video update  HERE ! See ya next month! September 7 September 24 October 1 First deep cleanse October 3 Hello red! October 5!

Natural Cough Drops

We are trying to keep our medicine cabinets a little more on the natural side this year. Between salves, tinctures, essential oils, and natural healing condiments I think we will be pretty set!  I've never tried these before, but I'm hoping they work!  ABOUT THE INGREDIENTS: Raw Honey   – Known to naturally suppress coughing and help with sleeping due to respiratory infections .   In clinical studies, honey has shown to be just as effective in alleviating coughs as over the counter cough medicine. Honey is also known to help reduce allergies. Also,  taking a few teaspoons of local raw honey a day prior to pollen season can be effective in boosting your immunity to pollen! Coconut Oil  – This healthy fat  is rich in antioxidants and contains lauric acid, which is antibacterial and antiviral. Coconut oil can be used to help prevent colds by boosting the immune system. Once the cold is set in, coconut oil can help reduce the length of sickness and can be quite soothing when added