A friend of mine is expecting her first baby next month! I wanted to get her something special and meaningful. I knew she was planning to breastfeed, and since it is a topic very close to my heart, I thought a gift of things to make that journey easier for her would be special! I had a lot of fun putting it together too! I remember what it was like when I had Hasting. Before he was born, I thought breastfeeding was something that just came natural. You just stick your child to the breast, and it was all hunky dory from there.. Easy right? Not necessarily for all new mommies. I missed out on the support that I really needed from others. Sure, I had the support of my husband. But like me, he was new at this breastfeeding thing too.. And it's not like it was something he studied. If I didn't, he surely didn't. Support from other nursing mothers is one of the BIGESST backbones a new nursing mother can have. Breastfeeding support and help holds a big place in my heart. If it w...