I forget just how fast time flies when you have littles. In the blink of an eye, we now have a 4 month old! Just within a months time Annestyne has fully gotten rid of her colic, as well as her reflux. I pulled her off of her medication for reflux over a month ago, and it disappeared all in its own time! She is growing quite the personality, and has incredible head control! Annestyne's stats for this month are as follows: Height: 24" upper 25th%tile Weight: 14lbs 45th %tile She is growing wonderfully, and is still only exclusively breastfed. Her 4 month check up wasn't necessarily needed, but we like to take our children in for wellness checkups so no crazy person can say "they don't vaccinate OR EVER take their kids to the doctor!" WRONG. Our pediatrician is completely RAD and respects our views as our children's parents! Just this past weekend, we took our first beach trip of the year. It was Annestyne's first beach trip, as well as her first LO...